Legales information

Musée Würth France Erstein

ZI Ouest – Rue Georges Besse
67158 Erstein cedex

Director of publishing: Marie-France Bertrand

Host: SDV Plurimédia

The website is published by Würth France S.A., a limited liability company with board of directors and equity capital of €6,000,000, registered on the STRASBOURG trade and companies register under number B 668 502 966, and headquartered at: Rue Georges Besse – 67150 ERSTEIN.

Intellectual property rights

This website constitutes a work of which Würth France is the author within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle). The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound and all works forming part of the site are the property of Würth France or of third parties who have authorised Würth France to use them. Reproductions on paper or on digital media of the aforementioned site are authorised, on condition that they are strictly for personal use, which excludes any use for promotional and/or commercial and/or information and/or that they are in compliance with the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle). With the exception of the provisions set out above, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever, of all or part of the site, of all or part of the various works of which it is composed, without having obtained prior authorisation from Würth France, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement offence and is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros.

Trademark law

The name Musée Würth France Erstein and the Musée Würth France Erstein logo are protected by trademark law and copyright law. Reproduction, imitation, use or insertion of these symbols without obtaining prior authorisation from Würth France or their respective owners constitutes an infringement offence.


You may view this site without revealing your identity or giving any information about yourself whatsoever. The information that you give us will be considered non-confidential and may be freely used and circulated by Würth France and our subsidiaries, subject to the applicable legal provisions and in particular to the French “Computing and Freedom” (Informatique et Libertés) Law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 and other legal provisions applicable to electronic communication.

Personal data

Transparency and protection of your rights is of particular concern to us, so Würth France will not obtain information allowing us to personally identify you unless you provide us with this information by contacting us through the “Contact” section of the site. The information we obtain about you is necessary for us to reply to your questions and requests for information. It is for the exclusive use of Würth France and our subsidiaries, for purposes of surveys and analysis. No commercial use of the data obtained, even of a partial nature, may be made without your agreement and the prior written agreement of Würth France, of our subsidiaries or of the members of our commercial network, according to circumstances. This information is confidential and is held by Würth France, our subsidiaries and the members of our commercial network. In accordance with article 34 of the French “Computing and Freedom” (Informatique et Libertés) Law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 and other legal provisions applicable to electronic communication, you have the right to access, alter and correct the information concerning you by sending us your request via the “Contact” section of the site.

Non-personal data

We may obtain certain information automatically, but this cannot under any circumstances be associated to a particular person. This information concerns the type of internet browser you use, your computer system and the name of the domain through which you entered our site. “Cookies”: When you visit our site, we may store a cookie on your computer. A cookie is a small block of data sent to your browser by a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. The cookie does not allow us to identify you personally. Generally, it allows us to record information relating to your computer’s navigation on our site (the pages you viewed, the date and the time of your visit, etc.) which we will be able to read on your subsequent visits. You can naturally block the loading of cookies by configuring your browser. You can also delete cookies at any time and individually, by referring to the user manual for your computer.

Hypertext links

Prior written consent from Würth France is required to create a hypertext link to the site. If you would like to create a hypertext link to our site, you must make contact with the site’s webmaster through the contact form. Würth France cannot under any circumstances be held liable for making available any sites which have a hypertext link from the site and cannot be held at all liable for the content, products, services, etc. available on these sites or from these sites.

Limitation of liability

The user uses the site solely at his or her own risk. Under no circumstances shall either Würth France or its subsidiaries accept any liability for direct or indirect damages, including material damage, loss of data or programmes or financial loss, resulting from access to or use of this site or any sites linked to it. The content of the site is presented without any guarantee of any nature whatsoever.

Governing law

These general conditions are governed by French internal law. The language of the general conditions is French. In any dispute, the sole competent authorities shall be the French courts.

Updates to the general conditions

Würth France reserves the right to modify and update access to the site as well as the general conditions at any time. These modifications and updates apply to the user, who must consequently refer regularly to this section to check the general conditions in force.